Hoobas: A highly object-oriented builder for molecular dynamics

Computational Materials Science 167 (2019)

Girard, Ehlen, Shakya, Bereau, De La Cruz




Polydispersity and random sequences are ubiquitous features of polymers, and molecular dynamics simulations can help elucidate the impact of disorder in polymer systems. However, currently available packages for building polymer topologies do not enable the user to include randomness in a straightforward fashion. Here, we introduce Hoobas, a molecular builder package that easily handles polydispersity using a prototype-builder design pattern. This enables fast and easy building of systems comprised of thousands of distinct objects. It is written in the Python programming language, which ensures compatibility with a wide range of molecular dynamics packages and tools, as well as easy integration into most workflows.

from Orcid & CrossRef

Hoobas is introduced, a molecular builder package that easily handles polydispersity using a prototype-builder design pattern, which enables fast and easy building of systems comprised of thousands of distinct objects.

from Semantic Scholar
    doi = {10.1016/j.commatsci.2019.05.003},
    url = {https://doi.org/10.1016%2Fj.commatsci.2019.05.003},
    year = 2019,
    month = {sep},
    publisher = {Elsevier {BV}},
    volume = {167},
    pages = {25--33},
    author = {Martin Girard and Ali Ehlen and Anisha Shakya and Tristan Bereau and Monica Olvera de la Cruz},
    title = {Hoobas: A highly object-oriented builder for molecular dynamics},
    journal = {Computational Materials Science}
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