In silico screening of drug-membrane thermodynamics reveals linear relations between bulk partitioning and the potential of mean force

The Journal of Chemical Physics 147 (2017)

Menichetti, Kanekal, Kremer, Bereau




The partitioning of small molecules in cell membranes-a key parameter for pharmaceutical applications-typically relies on experimentally available bulk partitioning coefficients. Computer simulations provide a structural resolution of the insertion thermodynamics via the potential of mean force but require significant sampling at the atomistic level. Here, we introduce high-throughput coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations to screen thermodynamic properties. This application of physics-based models in a large-scale study of small molecules establishes linear relationships between partitioning coefficients and key features of the potential of mean force. This allows us to predict the structure of the insertion from bulk experimental measurements for more than 400 000 compounds. The potential of mean force hereby becomes an easily accessible quantity-already recognized for its high predictability of certain properties, e.g., passive permeation. Further, we demonstrate how coarse graining helps reduce the size of chemical space, enabling a hierarchical approach to screening small molecules.

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High-throughput coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations are introduced to screen thermodynamic properties and it is demonstrated how coarse graining helps reduce the size of chemical space, enabling a hierarchical approach to screening small molecules.

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    doi = {10.1063/1.4987012},
    url = {},
    year = 2017,
    month = {sep},
    publisher = {{AIP} Publishing},
    volume = {147},
    number = {12},
    pages = {125101},
    author = {Roberto Menichetti and Kiran H. Kanekal and Kurt Kremer and Tristan Bereau},
    title = {$\less$i$\greater$In silico$\less$/i$\greater$ screening of drug-membrane thermodynamics reveals linear relations between bulk partitioning and the potential of mean force},
    journal = {The Journal of Chemical Physics}
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